Arranger, designer, recording artist, vocal coach (to everyone from Judy Garland to Prince Albert of Monaco. I kid you not.), wag, champion diver, author (the Eloise books), imp, virtuoso pianist, Kay Thompson was compulsively artistic and ahead of her time. She left such a small celluloid imprint precisely because she didn’t care to give us more. Her easy mastery of all things she put her perfectly manicured hands to kept her in constant motion to challenge herself in new arenas. It’s been a treat for me to portray a lady of such confidence and imagination, and the “Funny Face” sequence in “Being Audrey” was a delight to stage as Jack Cummings, Scott Rink, Ellen Weiss and Jim Hindman are as devoted to Kay’s singular Bazzazz as I am. If even one audience member muses to themselves after seeing our show, “What was the story with Kay Thompson?” I’d be well satisfied. Kay used to say to her friends, as a way of signing off, “See you in the movies.” Well, happily for all of us, we can see her in one particularly enchanting movie and for that we thank her very much indeed.
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